Lyndi: You’ve been in India for about 4 weeks now. What are your thoughts on your new home, such as the food, the climate, the people, etc.?
Drew: It has really been enjoyable; the people and food have been fantastic. The weather has been nice too, especially since it is getting cold back in Indiana now. I am learning and seeing new things everyday which I really enjoy.
Lyndi: What have your experiences been like in the classroom?
Drew: The kids have been very energetic and excited to learn. It is great to see so much passion; when I ask questions in class hands go up all over the room and students always wants to show me what they can do.
Lyndi: How does teaching in India differ from teaching in China?
Drew: They are similar in that you can see that passion and hunger for learning, but in India the passion is much more apparent. My university students in China were also eager to learn, but they were more reserved. The students I am teaching in India are younger and their energy levels are very high. It is difficult sometimes to teach in an ESL environment, but the students and their efforts make it worth every second.
Lyndi: What do you hope your students will learn from you?
Drew: Learning is a lifelong process, and it does not finish once they are out of school. I hope they continue to ask question and grow in their knowledge of the world around them.
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