My students chase after me down the hall saying, “Meghan teacher, Meghan teacher, what will we wear for the drama.” Ever since I have set the date for our English drama program it is all the students talk about. Even though I am half the world away from my teaching experience in the US, I am reminded of my Citizen Schools students last year as we prepared for the WOW! Presentation, or the event where they present their learning and projects to the community. We are so far away, but the response to such activities is always the same, one of complete excitement and empowerment. The fact that authentic products inspire students where ever you are in the world is proof enough to me that is one of the best methodologies of teaching that one can implement.
Many times while teaching in traditional lessons teachers are continually trying to encourage their students to speak out, but they only sit uninspired without speaking. Teachers constantly need to be the source of energy in the classroom, while the students sit idle. When students are learning through authentic teaching methods then the teacher is being inspired by their students. There is no possible way that I can maintain the energy that my students have for their drama practice. Each day they are developing new ideas and changes to make the drama better and ask to meet me Saturday and Sunday to practice. The students are able to improve their understanding, expression and confidence of the English language without even realizing that they are working
One group has developed a quiz titled Indian Discovery. My students are playing various famous Indian actors and actresses. I worked with them tirelessly to write the script and now they have so much pride in their work and all think their jokes are hilariously funny. If I had written it for them they would certainly not have the same amount of energy and interest to perform the drama.
My afternoon class read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” and developed their own dramatic version of it. This class is a lower level, but they were still able to write their own script. Complete with voices from 8 reindeer, Santa, mother, father, and two children. The girls have already memorized their lines with only some encouragement from me. While they are very serious about the drama, my girls are just the same as adolescent girls in the United States; their biggest concern is what they will be wearing. Even with my students obsession with their dress I am proud of my class because they do not behave like the stereotypical girls from India. They are outgoing and willing to step out and be noticed for their talent and hard work. I don’t feel solely responsible for their difference in personality, but I do feel I helped encourage their nature that is hidden within. Being given opportunities to take charge, they become powerful and find the confidence to compete with all students, even the domineering boys.
Having realized the importance of authentic learning experiences and the impact they have had on my students in both Citizen Schools and here in India I would really like to undertake more projects. There is a primary government school not so far from Bajipuara High School where students are not awarded the same opportunities that the students at Bajipura High School primary school have. At the primary level, in government schools many students are not given a quality education and therefore when they come to the secondary level they are already much behind students that have attended private schools. I want the next project for my Spoken English Classes to be going and teaching lessons in English at this school. The students can teach simple things such as colors, numbers, days of week etc. I think this opportunity would really help my students feel empowered by their newly acquired expertise in English. Please look forward to more updates on real authentic learning occurring in rural India at Bajipura High School!
What a great idea! The students will really enjoy working with the younger students. Keep it up, Meghan! Can't wait to see pictures of the program!