The best part of my day is when I have my women’s initiative group. The girls in my group are so intelligent, enthusiastic, and curious about life. It’s refreshing to be around people who can’t wait to answer questions or find an answer to one. Their input is always surprising and they say things I sometimes don’t expect.
Today, I had the girls write a question, any question about their body, growing up, puberty, or just anything general that they want to know the answer to. The questions are anonymous to spare the girls any embarrassment later. One of the questions was, “When you were little were you fat or thin?” I smiled at the reflection of the past, “I was chubby. I didn’t outgrow my baby fat and I wasn’t happy because I thought my body would never change but then it did!” One of the girls face lit up relating to what I was saying.
The next question was, “I want to be an engineer, will I be?” It took me a minute to collect myself because I was so touched by this question. These girls want to make something of themselves. They want to be successful but they just don’t know what the process is. Now that I am leaving in a few days I just can’t seem to detach myself from them. I want to fill them with as much information as possible about anything-everything!
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