Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Last month we decided to implement a Spoken English computer curriculum for our students. We thought it would be a great way for them to learn how to use the Internet, email and other software they are not otherwise taught. It also gave students who cannot pay for computer classes the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them.

We walked into the computer lab with high hopes, but upon laying down ground rules and turning on the computers we realized it was next to impossible to teach a curriculum in this lab. The computers were in a state of disarray, both inside and out. The computers had all sorts of issues ranging from simple physical problems of broken USB ports, exposed hard drives, unattached side panels and a ridiculous amount of dust. Unfortunately, all the issues did not have an easy fix. The more difficult issues to tackle are the hardware problems - bugs, error messages, hard drive failure etc.

Our goal is to get the computers into a state where the students can rely on them as well as making sustainable changes to the computer lab management through training and regular maintenance. We plan on transforming it into an efficient work area by redesigning the server, fixing numerous error problems and installing new software that will make the lab a viable part of the Kadod High School curriculum.

Last Saturday we planned an all Spoken English cleaning day. Although the students do have school on Saturdays, getting them to come back to school on their weekend proved easier than expected. Granted we did bribe them with a movie and cake after the clean-up, but the kids were genuinely excited to clean up their lab.

Not only have the students taken the time outside of school to successfully clean and organize the computers, they will now pass along those skills and sense of responsibility to a number of other students and faculty at Kadod High School.

(Pictures of the cleanup to come...)

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